Thursday, March 17, 2011

> Drawing Parallel Lines & Curves

Drawing Parallel Lines
To membuata parallel lines, the first one used triangular
guidelines should not be moved. Put the following triangle
The second line in accordance with the desired direction and pull the line.
Next slide the second triangle in accordance with the distance
desired then tarisk lines and so on.

Drawing Curved Lines
To make a curved line using the term should
first determined the radius of a circle or round center circle.
For example, the radius of the circle center of M1 is greater than the radius
M2 center circle
- Create a central axis line of rotation curves of M1 and M2
appropriate large radius.
- Make a half circle with a term from the center of M1, then
proceed to make a half circle with a term in
M2 centers, then it happens that berbubungan curved lines,
See picture below.

To create curved lines with curved mall should
attention to the point where that will be connected to
curvature does not seem awkward or do not comply. Try
withdrawal line through 3 connecting points as possible, if
forced to connecting only with the 2 points should be viewed
truth curve.

Specified an arbitrary point A, B, C, D and E
- Find the mall curve corresponding to the third arch
points A, B and C
- Find more malls to suit curved arch C, D
and E
- It turns out the curved lines for A, B, c, d and e are not aligned
- The curve C, D and E canceled
- Use the mall curved to point C and D only, but
estimated arches connecting or so one
- And lastly make arc from point D and E for
The next arch connecting the mall looking for a suitable
- The pull of arch can be seen the following image.

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